Teacher Recruitment, Selection, and Retention: Implementation Plays
- We support school leaders to close resource gaps by helping to manage the load of teacher hiring and navigate common challenges in the process. While schools in our network still receive support from the District’s HR department, we supplement these services given the urgency of fully staffing our schools. When teacher vacancies arise, we step in and support leaders to build their own capacity to manage the load. Our team is on-call whenever vacancies arise to provide advising and informal coaching so that leaders build comfort with the recruitment and hiring process, understand the steps they need to take, and begin to build habits and routines to support talent systems at their school.
- We provide school leaders with a teacher hiring toolkit to begin to build their own talent systems at the school site, including interview question banks, a sample interview and demo lesson schedule, demo lesson evaluation frameworks, and reference check support. We also share weekly teacher hiring updates in order to share resources and reminders with principals across our network.
- We launch a wide search to recruit and screen high-quality candidates via network referrals, job postings, and phone campaigns, and advocate to the District for the candidates we want in our schools. We use an incentivized referral system to source candidate referrals from teachers and staff across our network, and we collect data on candidates to inform future recruitment cycles and improve strategy.