Strategic Budgeting: Implementation Plays
- We coach the school leader to monitor and track spending, interpret budget documents, and develop school site budgets by providing professional development, sharing school-specific tools and templates, and providing hands-on support.
- We advise school leaders on how to link budget allocation decisions to the school’s strategic priorities.
- We participate in District trainings and budget meetings alongside school leaders to clarify and support strategic budgeting practices and help school leaders identify ways to maximize all available funds to support school priorities.
- We hold District staff accountable to implementing programs and Board resolutions with fidelity and equity, and serve as a liaison between schools and the District to advocate for more funding flexibility, such as permitting reallocations across budget categories when needed (e.g., moving savings from teacher vacancies to help support the cost of substitutes).
- We closely monitor school budgets, allowing a school leader to regularly see where they have extra or unspent funds that can be repurposed throughout the year.
- We support school leaders in developing budgeting systems at the school site, including regular budget meetings and management and delegation of tasks to office and administrative staff.