inside our Practice
The Partnership believes that in order to be successful, school leaders must prioritize building strong operational systems within their schools and empowering their staff and teachers through effective delegation.
From an operations perspective, we work to model the types of equitable supports and investments required to close equity gaps. We do this by building the capacity of school leaders in high-leverage aspects of organizational and operational leadership and strategically supplementing District operational services in order to provide differentiated assistance that addresses the specific needs of each school. Our operational supports promote creative thinking to solve problems and to proactively build, improve, and maintain operational systems for school success.
- Navigating district processes to remove barriers that interfere with the achievement of our mission
- Strategic budget supports and advocacy to ensure maximum impact for every dollar at the school site
- Student recruitment and enrollment support to perform effective community outreach, build school- and network-level brand, and fully enroll schools within the feeder pattern.

“Knowing that the Partnership advocates and supports is an added layer of peace of mind. When situations arise that require a greater degree of advocacy than the principal can provide, the Partnership steps in.”Luis BarrazaPrincipal, Sunrise Elementary School

Too often, principals at high-need schools are forced to dedicate large quantities of time to operational activities that, while important, detract from focusing on providing amazing instruction to students in every classroom, every day.
For example, a school may have a facilities issue involving a broken fence that has made the school susceptible to break-ins, vandalism, or trespassing. Or a school leader may have secured a corporation’s interest in partnering on a playground refresh project without a clear understanding of or ability to effectively navigate district rules and procedure in order to make it happen.
What Sets the Partnership Approach Apart
We support the school leader to effectively navigate the system and escalate requests and concerns as appropriate to ensure the smooth operation of the campus.
We work to harness our school leaders’ naturally creative approaches to problem solving and help them think “outside the box” to implement their ideas within the framework of a larger bureaucratic system. Navigating the broad and complex landscape of District operations support and keeping abreast of (often changing) policies and guidelines can feel so overwhelming that administrators are systematically discouraged to think and act in innovative ways.
We focus on increasing the capacity of school leaders in operations and advocacy and support them in building systems that ensure this work happens efficiently, even with minimal investment from the school leader. We supplement District training by working with school leaders to further explain processes, and to operationalize plans in a way that meets individual school’s needs.
We can maintain a focus on systems and capacity building because there are several core operational services that the District is responsible for providing for our schools (e.g., facilities, communications, school meals, transportation, finance, and more). This frees us up to provide differentiated support to supplement what the District already provides.
strategic budgeting
In order to educate all students to be college- and career-ready, school leaders must maximize every dollar in the school’s budget and ensure that those dollars are being spent equitably and strategically.
Our specialized staff work with school leaders to understand the vision for their school and think creatively about how to implement that vision by maximizing the school’s existing budget.
What Sets the Partnership Approach Apart
The Partnership supports school leaders to budget strategically by maximizing flexibility and advocating for equitable funding. Because our schools receive support from the District to maintain compliance and budget fidelity, our staff can focus on the highest leverage aspects of school budgeting and provide strategic advice on where to allocate dollars for maximum student impact. With a ratio of 1 Operations team member for every 6 school leaders, we take a more hands-on approach, providing regular budget updates, conducting analyses of how funds are being spent and where more flexibility can be created, and helping leaders interpret district guidelines and policies.
student recruitment & enrollment
With a declining birthrate in Los Angeles County and many families choosing to leave the city for more affordable communities or to enroll their students elsewhere, District enrollment has been declining over time.
This has major implications for school budgets and a direct impact on the students who remain enrolled, as cuts can often mean a developing teacher has to be let go, a school nurse is available on campus only one day a week instead of five, or a promising intervention program must be cut because of declining funding. Districts in urban areas with a variety of school options in competition with one another can no longer take student enrollment as a given, and instead have had to ramp up community outreach and recruitment efforts.
What Sets the Partnership Approach Apart
Because of the strong alignment between student recruitment, school budgeting, and the broader effort to build strong operational systems on-site, the Partnership Operations team has a staff member dedicated to leading network-wide and school-specific student recruitment strategy and support. This allows us to go deep with school leaders to strategize ways to increase the visibility of the school in the community and to recruit students and families. We provide targeted, school-specific student recruitment support to help leaders develop level- and site-specific recruitment plans that highlight the unique programs and offerings at the school.